Friday 24 February 2012

Director Image

Now that i've come up with a way of presenting my images, I now had to take original photos of people/objects to appear in my review.
I wanted to take a picture of someone who could be named the director of my film. I took this primary image of my sisters boyfriend, Andy.
Like with my original image of my sister, I ensured that I took the picture of him up against a plain background. This is because it is easier to edit and in my opinion, looks more professional when nothing is behind him. As well as this, I also particularly like what he is wearing and is outfit was consciously chosen. I feel as though he looks like a young upcoming director. Especially the sunglasses which are iconically resembled with celebrities.

I ended up editing the photo of Andy in iPhoto on my mac. Firstly I cropped the image slightly using the crop tool;

 Then I made the overall look of the image brighter. Including the background and Andy himself;

I then copied and pasted the image into word and resized it so that it was an appropriate size for my review;

Finally I added a border line in the colour white all the way round the photo;

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