Tuesday 21 February 2012


Today I decided to take some original image to put on my Magazine Review. I considered putting pictures of all my characters on my review however there is rather a lot of them and my A4 document simply does not advocate enough space. I feel it would look odd if I could included pictures of a few of my characters and not all of them. With this in mind, I decided to take some images of objects that convey the idea of what my film is essentially about - beauty. Below are the primary images that I took and edited;
This photo is taken of a hand with painted nails which  are typically associated within the beauty industry.
This is another beauty product. A picture of a mascara by Maybelline.
This is a photo of another make-up associated item, a powder brush.
I did also consider using the photo I took for my poster and putting it on my magazine review.
A picture of various colour eye shadows.
Laslty, a close up picture of an eye.

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