Saturday 7 January 2012

Initial Poster Idea

Today I decided to come up with an idea for my Film Poster. My Documentary is based around body image, and essentially, how the Media influence the way we feel about our appearance. Having looked at Film posters online, I discovered that often they have very minimal writing - just the film title and date that it is due to be out. They have the ability to tell the public what the film is about through images, rather than writing. With this in mind, I decided to come up with a poster that conveyed the message of the Documentary, through pictures and to just have the title of my flilm 'The False Reality' and a date when it was going to be released.

Initial idea:
My first idea is to have a double page spread of a magazine in the background with lots of text. This would then show the audience that my film was about the Media. I have decided to have two images of girls situated within the magazine text with a mirror inbetween the two of them. One of whom is an unrealistic ideal of beauty - they have perfect skin, tall, thin, etc and another woman who represents what the average woman looks like - a size 10-12 including some flaws on her skin. This would represent the idea that the images that are shown in the media are not what people look like in real life. Having the titel present of 'The False Reality' would show the public that although this is how people are represented in the media, this is not how people really look.

Below is an inital plan/sketch of my first idea;

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