Tuesday 1 November 2011

Documentary Audience Research

Now I have decided to do a Documentary instead of my first initial idea I figured I needed to do some audience research. When I did my survey last month I didn't really mention Documentaries and no questions on there were aimed at that Genre. Although some of the questions I asked in that survey can still help me create my new idea, I decided to do some Audience Research based on Documentaries specifically. My research is not very in depth due to the fact I have already completed some audience research and I want to start getting on with actually filming my piece instead of concentrating souley on researching. This is also due to the fact time is very limited.
This time round I decided to film some people in my class, rather than post surveys around my estate. I felt people might be reluctant to fill in another survey, plus survey answers can sometimes be quite restricting. Furthermore, filming people giving answers is much more engaging for an audience, also, it was easier and less time consuming because it was in a lesson and the people used were readily available.
Here is my latest Research video below;
From this Audience Research I learnt:
- Majority of people watch documentaries
- People watch documentaries based on whether they're interested in the topic they're about and what a individual likes totally depends upon the person themselves
- It was equal between the amount of people who wanted a TV Presenter and who wanted a voice over, so I don't think it matters either one I decide to use
- Most people would be interested in watching a documentary on a persons body image, girls more so than boys however
- My documentary should be aimed at teenage girls, probably the 17-20 year old category which was in my original survey
- Generally people wanted to see extreme cases of people that looked very different. Someone with an eating disordered seemed to be popular and one person suggested a plastic surgeon which I really like the idea of.

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