1. As you can see this layout is just full of text and no images what so ever have been used. This does not look intreguing to read and I don't think many people would what to read the text, therefore I would not use this layout for my review. Something I do like about it however, is that it has used collums, as this is very fitting with magazine text, plus as a reader I am drawn to the title due to the fact it is in a bright colour.
2. This is magazine layout is slightly more appealing as it does include an image and I like how an important piece of text has been taken out and put in a different colour/different font, this ensures that the reader takes notice. In some respects, therefore, it is arguably better than the first layout, having said this, I much prefer the colour of the title in the first layout. This article title is the same colour as the text, meaning it is not very eye catching.
3. This articles title is in a different colour which makes it stand out, plus it is in a far bigger size than the other two articles i've looked at. I feel the size of the text is an improvement compared to the other two. As well as the title being a better size, the image is much larger too which definitely works better than the previous articles. Furthermore, I think its good that the first word of the article 'B' starts in a different colour.
4. I like quite a few things about the layout of this article. Firstly the fact the title has a strip of colour behind it - the page is not just completely white, which is something thats different compared to the other articles above. Secondly, the fact the title is not all in one colour it breaks it up and makes the fact she transformed in just 12 weeks a key element. This shows me that if there's a specific word I want to stand out within my title I can do this easily by simply changing the colour of the text. Another thing I like is how there is more that just one image included and that they're not parallel to each other. Furthermore, like article number 2 it contains a quote which is in a different colour and which is in a slightly bigger font, which helps break up the text well, this subtitles help to do this also. Lastly, like the article above, I like how the text starts with the letter 'J' being in a different colour, it starts the article off nicely I feel.
5. This is a layout I like. This is because it is quite different. Usually, as we have seen with the other articles the title is at the top of the page, whereas with this article a large image is right at the top. I also like the font of the title and how the colour matches well with the greenery seen in the image. This is not something I have thought about before, making the colour of a title compliment the colours seen within images. I feel this works well, however, I am not necessarily sure this would work well with my film review article. This is because I think it would be nice to include more than one image and including an image this big right at the top of the page wouldn't leave very much room for much text. Nevertheless as I do like this layout a lot, I think I will still consider using a similar style.

6. I specially like this article due to the column on the side. I think it would be good to have a separate column on the side of my review for a box containing basic information about the film, i.e. the age certificate the films been awarded. I also like how the pictures have been arranged.
Outcome: Having looked at many layouts I feel I have gained various ideas of how I want my review to be layed out. I have decided upon the following for my review;
1. To have a strip of colour at the top of my review.
2. To have a different colour for the word 'False' as this is a key word and will make it stand out to the reader.
3. To place my review text in collums.
4. To have a separate collum/table including basic information about the film.
5. To start the first letter of my review text in a bigger size font.
6. To include a quote within my review from either a director or from what has been said by the reviewer.
7. To include images with a border round them like in article number 4.
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